Friday, May 22, 2009

2009 Prosperity Story

Loving life as usual!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Are You Ready To Start Your Own Business?

As I was meditating this morning, I thought about what a luxury it is to be able sit and allow my mind to communicate with God. In my former life (nurse with a corporate boss), I knew exactly how many minutes I could spend in the morning on certain activities like drinking coffee, devotions, eating breakfast, showering, blow drying my hair and getting dressed. To be on time at work, I knew the exact minute I had to be in my car turning the key! Since leaving that world for my amazingly simply business at home, I can spend as much time as I like on my morning activities.

This is such an empowering way to live! I believe we were created to live with this kind of freedom. Our minds are so powerful and creative as long as they are not filled with thoughts of what must be done or what needs to be done right now. Of course, I am aware of time - I have a calendar and a clock. There are events I wouldn't miss for anything, like our daily Wake-Up-to-Success Call at 11 AM with Tony Rush and Kevin Knecht. There is also the Blackbelt Marketing Call with John Lavenia on Monday nights and Shane Krider's leadership call on Fridays at 5 PM. Then there are social events and conferences. All of these things matter to me because I choose to make them a priority. They energize rather than exhaust. We all deserve to live energized rather than exhausted, don't you think?

Do I have a to-do list for today? You bet. Everyday there are certain things I want to achieve. I am in the business of assisting others to tap into their inner potential and discover their passion and purpose in life. Many people are afraid to even think it possible to live a life of freedom and abundance. The power's-that-be in this world don't understand how much better and productive everyone is when operating from a place of free-will and unbridled enthusiasm. God certainly understands that. He put into our hearts and souls these dreams, desires, and the freedom to live life as we choose.

So, what are people waiting for? If you need someone's permission to step away from the pack and achieve the outrageous goals you've thought were impossible, you have mine. I am so grateful I found a whole community of people who are doing just that. They have taken me by the hand and led me into a world I never realized existed. And now that I'm there, I never plan to go back to a restricted, limited life again. Jump in. I'll be here to show you the way as you start your own business as a means to freedom and abundance.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Why The Fear About Starting A Home Business?

Since so many people say they want to work from home, why does there seem to be so much fear concerning the idea of starting a home business? My guess is that there are a number of reasons. For one, human beings have been conditioned to be suspicious of everyone and everything overing hope because of the saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, then it is." It saddens me to think of all the missed opportunities in life because people succumbed to fear rather than faith that success and happiness are indeed possible.

Another reason people are afraid is simply because they would have to do something they've not done before. However, if we all look back on our lives, everything we've done we had to do for the first time at some point, right? Examples are crawling, walking, riding a bicycle, writing a paper, starting a job, etc. But we did it and soon learned it really wasn't as big a deal as we had imagined. It's the same with starting a home business. When you look around and see that thousands of people are happy and successful working a business from home, then there's every reason to believe that you also can be happy and successful doing the same thing.

For me, the scary part was that I had never been self-employed before - except for that brief time in the early '80s when I was a Mary Kay Consultant. Maybe that's another issue for some people - either they or someone they know "tried" a home based business in the past and didn't achieve the success they desired. Thank goodness I faced my fear and decided that the possibility of success outweighed my fear of failure. After all, I was the reason I didn't succeed the first time. Mary Kay is still a thriving business with many successful consultants.

Granted, there have always been fly-by-night companies that offer no real substance to their promises. However, due diligence includes talking to people who have actually succeeded in a company - lots of people - and reveals a company's merits. That is certainly the case with the company we work with - Liberty League International. It's almost 8 years old and growing like crazy. This only happens when people of high integrity are at the helm.

My personal goal is to assist anyone who desires to take their life to a new level. And I am eager to assist them today, not tomorrow. Anyone can find an excuse not to do something. I challenge you to find one reason to do something and do it today. The life change will be dramatic. Otherwise, one stays stuck in fear. Only the brave achieve their true dreams. I'm really glad I overcame my fear of starting a home business!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Doesn't Everyone Want A Simple Home Business That Really Works?

What could be more perfect than making a substantial income doing what you love? Sadly enough, most people in today's world don't think this is possible. Many express an interest in making a great income from home but stop short of making the decisions required to make it happen. Making the decision is actually the hardest part of the process.

Our pastor has been doing a sermon series on 30 Days and No Regrets. The idea is to evaluate what you would do differently if you learned you had 30 days to live. I was a little surprised and saddened to see the number of hands raised when asked who would quit their job. The biggest surprise was that our pastor also raised his hand!!

The world economy in the 21st century has definitely changed. With downsizing and outsourcing, many white collar and middle management people are finding themselves unemployed. Enterprising entrepreneurs are quickly rising to the top of the home business field. Ours is a product based business with a multiple six figure income potential.

This is a perfect time for anyone who is not satisfied with their job. Thousands of people are starting a home-based business everyday. Life is way too short, hopefully longer than 30 days however, to spend it doing an unfulfilling job. If you would have raised your hand in our church service this morning, take a look at your priorities. I did and no longer work the job that ate my time and life with too little in return.

We were all created for joy and abundance in life. I firmly believe it is the work of The Accuser to convince us that life is a struggle and work is hard. Our creator is loving and giving. We dishonor our very lives by spending them in misery and lack. My mission is to encourage every person I meet to live a life of purpose and prosperity.

To your purpose and prosperity.
Sandra Hayes